Saturday, 4 August 2007

The Spousal Chat

After the previous incident (please refer here).

B: B, I'm brave. *looking proud*
Me: *giving him this O_o look*
B: I'm brave right?
Me: You are foolish. *not looking at him*
B: Huh? So am I brave?
Me: You are foolish. (hee.. o^_^o i know b is brave and would take any necessary measure to protect me, it just i don't want him to get hurt unnecessarily).
B: That doesn't answer my question.
Me: Well, I'm not going to answer your question then and that's it.
B: Huh?? *giving me a blank look*

Who's looking?
I'm not looking tsst.. :P


mamasherry said...

hoho wan... dah lama dah ade blog ek... apasal tak habaq awai-awai...

nway.. gonna visit here often..

take care..

sofiana_z said...

hehe..alahai..tipah tertipu ke... sebenarnya baru je bukak blog nie 2mths ago. tarikh dr sept thn lepas tu backdated entry la :P

Pastu wan pernah bg link kat ym eiza..maybe xdpt la tu..sori naa..

Singgah2 la selalu yea ;)